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Plan member thanks EBP team for helping hand
Jan 24, 2024
Categories: Employee Benefits, Employee Benefits/Disability Income, News
This plan member volunteered to share her story. We have changed her name to protect her privacy.

3sHealth is committed to providing world-class customer service.
Last year, the Employee Benefit Plans (EBP) team began assisting plan members who are applying for Canada Pension Plan (CPP) disability benefits, a process they used to have to complete on their own.
3sHealth already has a lot of the information on file that is needed for the CPP application, so a Claims Payment Officer can gather the necessary medical information (with the member’s consent), work with the member to fill out the 19-page form, and then submit the application to CPP on the member’s behalf. This not only makes the process simpler for the member, but also reduces the need to visit a doctor and complete an additional medical report.
While this is business as usual for EBP staff, plan members like Beth feel it makes a big impact. Throughout Beth’s journey, her phone call with EBP had to be rescheduled three times due to medical reasons. The team was patient and worked at her pace.
She contacted 3sHealth to express her thanks, noting the team provided her great care and understood the limitations of her illness.
“You have showed me a lot of understanding and patience over the call. I am an emotional person, and you dealt with me with such a positive vibe and calm attitude.”
If you have questions about your benefit plan, call 3sHealth at 1.866.278.2301 or email
You have showed me a lot of understanding and patience over the call. I am an emotional person, and you dealt with me with such a positive vibe and calm attitude.