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News & Publications

Reaching out to retired plan members

3sHealth takes care of the caregiver, even after retirement.

3sHealth contacts retired plan members to confirm addresses and beneficiary information
3sHealth contacts retired plan members to confirm addresses and beneficiary information

Plan members who retire may be eligible to receive a $5,000 life insurance certificate at no additional cost. The proceeds are available to a retirees’ named beneficiaries upon their death.

Each year 3sHealth reaches out to approximately 3,500 retired plan members who received the life insurance certificate and are over the age of 80. We contact these plan members to verify their addresses and beneficiary information.

This annual connection with these retirees provides an opportunity to identify any plan members who have passed away where 3sHealth has not yet been notified. Each year, around 50 to 75 retiree’s loved ones confirm they were not aware of an existing life insurance policy.

These families appreciate receiving the information and the proceeds of the policy.

For more information, please visit the Employee Benefit Plans page. 

* Prior to 2015, eligible retirees were provided with a $1,500 life insurance certificate.

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