News & Publications
What to expect when returning to work
Nov 16, 2022
Categories: Employee Benefits, Employee Benefits/Disability Income, News
Support is a key part of the return to work process for disability plan members.

Nobody expects to suffer an illness or injury. Unfortunately, the possibility that employees may be unable to work due to injury or disease is part of our everyday lives. In order to recover from an injury, rehabilitation is needed, and your benefits can help when on an approved disability claim. Returning to work can be an important component of recovery and rehabilitation from an injury or illness.
As you recover, you may be able to return to work with specific instructions from your medical provider. These can include restrictions on the type of work you should perform, the hours you should work, and insight into the current limits of your physical or cognitive abilities.
Your employer will oversee your return to work. They will meet with you to discuss when it will start and what will be your hours and duties. While you are on a return to work your employer will notify 3sHealth of your hours worked. The benefit you receive will be adjusted by the amount of income you receive from your employer.
3sHealth’s role is to support you during your recovery and medically-supported gradual return to work. Once we determine if the requirements of the plan continue to be met, your claim will continue while you participate in your return to work.
Working through the processes of an approved disability claim is an important part of recovery and rehabilitation. 3sHealth is here to help, and any questions can be addressed to 3sHealth at 1.866.278.2301 or via the Claims Services team.