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Employee Benefit Plans

EBP Plan Administrators

Quick and easy access to the forms you need

This is the one-stop page that plan administrators can use to find the form they need. The table below can be sorted by administrator, employee, or bulletins categories. Also, all entries can be sorted alphabetically by name, by plan type, by plan category, or simply use the search field below.

Name Annotation Plan Type Plan Document Type Label Plan Category Plan Category Label Release date Audience Weighting
 Employee Benefits Dependent Change Form This form is used to update information about your spouse and dependent children with 3sHealth Employee Benefits. If you wish to change your beneficiary for Group Life Insurance, please use the "Group Life Beneficiary Designation Form." Form 2021-04-04 Administrator,Employee 100
 Health Care Claim Form The Health Care Claim Form allows members to submit health care related expenses to Canada Life for the Extended Health Care Plan. This form can be completed online and then printed, signed and mailed to Canada Life for processing. Form Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope) 2020-07-07 Employee 90
 Standard Dental Claim Form The Canada Life Standard Dental Claim form allows members to submit dental claim expenses to Canada Life for the Core Dental and Enhanced Dental Plans. This form can be completed online and then printed, signed and mailed to Canada Life for processing. Form Core Dental 2020-07-07 Employee 80
 Out-of-Scope Lifestyles Spending Account Claim Form The Lifestyles Spending Account (LSA) Claim Form can be used by eligible employees to submit their eligible expenses to 3sHealth for adjudication. Form Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope) 2021-02-24 Administrator,Employee 70
 Out-of-Scope Plan Member Health Care Expenses Claim Form The Out-of-Scope Plan Member Health Care Expenses Claim Form is used by Out-of-Scope employees to submit health care spending account expenses to Canada Life. This form can be completed online and then printed, signed and mailed to Canada Life for processing. Form Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope) 2020-07-07 Employee 60
 Out-of-Scope Healthcare Spending Account Claim Form Standard Dental Expenses Out-of-Scope Standard Dental Expenses Healthcare Spending Account Claim Form M445D (335663HC) Form Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope) 2020-07-07 Administrator,Employee 50
 2021 Employee Benefit Plans Financial Statements This document contains the 2021 financial statements of each employee benefit plan. Other Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope), Group Life Plan 2022-07-06 Administrator,Employee 0
 2022 Employee Benefit Plans Financial Statements This document contains the 2022 financial statements of each employee benefit plan. Other Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope), Group Life Plan 2022-07-06 Administrator,Employee 0
 About the Health and Dental Plan for Retirees This document contains information about the Health and Dental Plan for Retirees with Group Medical Services (GMS). For more information visit the GMS website. Other Core Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Retiree Plan 2022-04-12 Administrator,Employee 0
 About the Saskatchewan Drug Plan This overview provides information about the Saskatchewan health services Special Support Program and eligibility changes to the Seniors' Drug Plan. Overview Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Other 2021-11-08 Employee 0
 Basic Group Life Insurance Premium Remittance Form (rates effective June 1, 2022) This form is used by employers to remit premium for Basic Group Life Insurance coverage. Remittance Form 2022-05-24 Administrator 0
 Benefits at a Glance Form Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope) 2021-11-18 Employee 0
 Benefits Bulletin - 2023 Out-of-Scope Flexible Spending Plan Administration Fee Following their annual review, the Employee Benefit Plans Board of Trustees approved maintaining the current administration fee of 10% for the Out-of-Scope Flexible Spending Plan through 2023. Bulletin Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope) 2022-12-12 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - 2023 Out-of-Scope Flexible Spending Plan Credits The Out-of-Scope Flexible Spending Plan allocation amount for 2023 will increase from $861 to $878. Please find enclosed a quick reference chart for the 2023 Out-of-Scope Flexible Spending Plan credits. This chart provides the credit amount by month and level of coverage. Bulletin Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope) 2022-11-14 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - 2024 Disability Income Plan Payroll Calendar 3sHealth Employee Benefits has created a disability payroll calendar for 2024. The calendar is attached as the second page of this bulletin. Bulletin Disability Income Plan 2024-01-08 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - 2024 Maximum Reimbursement Schedules The 2024 maximum reimbursement schedules for the core dental plan and the enhanced dental plan are now available on the 3sHealth website. Bulletin Core Dental, Enhanced Dental 2024-01-29 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - 2024 Out-of-Scope Flexible Spending Plan Administration Fee Following their annual review, the Employee Benefit Plans Joint Board of Trustees approved maintaining the current administration fee of 10 per cent for the Out-of-Scope Flexible Spending Plan through 2024. Bulletin Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope) 2023-11-30 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - 2024 Spring Edition of the Employee Benefit Plans Newsletter We are pleased to share with you highlights of the upcoming spring Employee Benefit Plans newsletter. Both the spring newsletter and the Member’s Annual Statement will be mailed out on May 1, 2024 to all plan members. Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Employee Family Assistance Program, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope), Group Life Plan, Retiree Plan 2024-04-15 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin: 2025 Out-of-Scope Flexible Spending Plan Credits OOS Flexible Spending Plan Bulletin Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope) 2024-12-03 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - 3sHealth Staff Day Office closure September 26. Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Employee Family Assistance Program, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope), Group Life Plan, Retiree Plan 2024-09-25 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Affiliate and Saskatchewan Health Authority Employees Measured as One Employer To align provincial health care employees’ benefit plan coverage, effective January 1, 2020, 3sHealth Employee Benefits will combine the actual hours for employees working at both an affiliate organization and the Saskatchewan Health Authority and measure benefit eligibility as “one employer”. Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope), Other, Retiree Plan 2020-01-31 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - AIMS Employer Report – Termination Details Change Report 3Health Employee Benefits has been generating the employer report ‘Termination Details Change Report’ every Thursday, however this report should be processed and reviewed daily by employers and 3sHealth Employee Benefits. Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Employee Family Assistance Program, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope), Group Life Plan, Retiree Plan 2024-07-30 Administrator 0
 AIMS Implementation Benefit Information On June 24, 2024, 3sHealth changed the system we use to administer benefits for your employees. For information on the benefit changes you will see in the new system and a list of new employer reports, please see the enclosed benefits bulletin. Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Employee Family Assistance Program, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope), Group Life Plan, Retiree Plan 2024-06-26 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Athletic Therapist Services Now Eligible Under Physiotherapy Coverage Effective January 1, 2024, the Employee Benefit Plans Board of Trustees approved adding coverage for athletic therapists to plan members’ existing $400 per year per insured person physiotherapy coverage maximum under the Extended Health Care and Dental Plan. Bulletin Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope) 2023-12-05 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Basic Group Life and AD&D Insurance Rate Change Effective June 1, 2022 At the April 13, 2022 Employee Benefit Plans Board of Trustees meeting, the Board of Trustees approved a premium rate change for Basic Group Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance effective June 1, 2022. Bulletin Group Life Plan 2022-04-25 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Basic Group Life and AD&D Insurance Rates The Basic Group Life premium rate will be maintained at $0.143/$1,000 of insurance coverage. The AD&D premium rate will be maintained at $0.017/$1,000 of insurance coverage. Combined these equal to $0.16/$1,000 of insurance coverage. Bulletin Group Life Plan 2023-05-01 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Benefit Coverage During Unpaid Leave of Absence Plan members may transition between different types of unpaid leaves. This has raised questions about the option for plan members to continue their coverage under the disability income plan and the group life insurance plan. This bulletin is intended to provide direction on benefit coverage during an unpaid leave of absence. Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope), Group Life Plan, Retiree Plan 2024-07-12 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Benefit Eligibility Following a Leave of Absence At the October 14, 2021 EBP Board of Trustees meeting, the trustees approved an amendment to the extended health care and enhanced dental plan rules to allow an employee to request a one-time annual measurement following their return to work from an approved leave of absence. The amendment is effective January 1, 2022. Bulletin Core Dental, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope) 2021-11-30 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Benefit Employee Employment Types for Employees Enrolled in Multiple Positions in the SHA

This benefits bulletin brings clarity around how to handle employee benefit employment and employee types when employees are employed with multiple former health regions.

Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Group Life 2019-05-08 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Benefit Plan Changes at Age 65 This benefits bulletin provides information around benefit plan changes at age 65. Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Retiree Plan 2019-07-25 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Benefits During a Period of Suspension This bulletin is regarding benefits during a period of suspension. Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope) 2017-11-07 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Benefits During Vacation Prior to Retirement Please find attached information about benefits during a period of vacation prior to termination or retirement. Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope) 2018-06-18 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Benefits Upon Return to Work from a 3sHealth Approved Disability Claim Update This bulletin has been prepared to clarify the responsibilities of 3sHealth Employee Benefits and Employers in the administration of Benefits Upon Return to Work from a 3sHealth Approved Disability Claim Bulletin Disability Income Plan 2016-11-23 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Changes to 3sHealth Dependent Life Insurance Coverage Bulletin Group Life 2018-08-27 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Changes to Group Life Insurance Volume for Employees Who Retire and Rehire

Attached is information about the changes to the Group Life insurance volume for employees who retire and rehire effective July 1, 2018.

Bulletin Group Life 2018-07-04 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Changes to the Disability Income Plans Lump Sum Payouts Change to how lump sum payments affect the payment of disability benefits. Bulletin Disability Income Plan 2022-11-14 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Changes to the Disability Income Plans Nurse Practitioner 3sHealth now accepts the Attending Physician Initial Statement forms and on-going medical from Nurse Practitioners, without restrictions, when applying for disability income plan benefits. Now accepting medical from a Nurse Practitioner without restriction. Bulletin Disability Income Plan 2022-11-14 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Change to the 30 Day Rule Attached is information about the enhancement to the 30 day rule to include group life insurance and disability coverage effective May 1, 2018. Bulletin Disability Income Plan, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope) 2018-07-04 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Change to the Annual Forfeiture Process for the Out-of-Scope Flexible Spending Plan In past years, 3sHealth completed an annual forfeiture of unused allocations for both the LSA and HSA Account. Unused HSA funds were returned to participating employers at the end of each year. In order for the Out-of-Scope Flexible Spending Plan to be tax compliant, a change to the annual forfeiture process is required. Bulletin Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope) 2022-02-28 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Change to the Flexible Spending Plan Eligibility Package 3sHealth will notify your employees following eligibility into the Out-of-Scope Flexible Spending Plan. Bulletin Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope) 2018-11-09 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Change to the Premium Remittance Due Date This bulletin is regarding the change to the premium remittance due date. Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Group Life 2017-10-31 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Communication for Benefits Under the Saskatchewan Health Authority This bulletin provides information regarding benefits eligibility under the Saskatchewan Health Authority effective December 4, 2017. Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope), Other, Retiree Plan 2017-12-05 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Continue Extended Health Care and Dental Coverage When Appealing Disability Claim

Attached is information about the improvement to the benefit plans to automatically reinstate extended health care and dental coverage when appealing a disability claim.

Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Group Life 2018-05-01 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Core Dental Plan Contribution Rate for 2022 Following their annual review with the plan actuary, the Employee Benefit Plans Board of Trustees approved maintaining the contribution rate for the core dental plan per full-time equivalent (FTE) at $68.75 per FTE for 2022. Bulletin Core Dental 2021-12-15 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Core Dental Plan Contribution Rate Increase Effective April 1, 2023 Following their annual review with the plan actuary, the Employee Benefit Plans Board of Trustees approved an increase to the core dental contribution rate from $68.75 per full-time equivalent (FTE) to $70.75 per FTE effective April 1, 2023. Bulletin Core Dental 2022-12-12 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Core Dental Plan Contribution Rate Increase Effective April 1, 2024 Following their annual review with the plan actuary, the Employee Benefit Plans Board of Trustees approved an increase to the core dental contribution rate from $70.75 per full-time equivalent (FTE) to $77.75 per FTE effective April 1, 2024. Bulletin Core Dental 2023-11-30 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - December 2022 Disability Income Plan Benefit Payment Schedule Important information related to long-term and short-term disability benefit payments during the December holiday period including payment dates and due dates. A 2023 disability payroll calendar is also attached. Bulletin Disability Income Plan 2022-12-04 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Disability Income Plan Contribution Rate Changes for Employees at Age 64 Years and 8 Months This bulletin outlines Disability Income Plan rate changes for employees at age 64 years and 8 months. Bulletin Disability Income Plan 2017-11-30 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Disability Income Plan NEW Employers Initial Application Form New Employer’s Initial Application Disability Income Plan Form for Employees with Multiple Positions. Bulletin Disability Income Plan 2018-12-31 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Disability Contribution Rate Changes Effective July 31, 2022 The Employee Benefit Plans Board of Trustees approved a contribution rate increase for the CUPE and SEIU-West disability income plan effective July 31, 2022. Bulletin Disability Income Plan 2022-06-07 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - EBP Annual Report 2023 EBP Annual Report is now available. Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Employee Family Assistance Program, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope), Group Life Plan, Retiree Plan 2024-10-08 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Emails received from 3sHealth employee benefits Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope), Other, Retiree Plan 2019-03-20 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Employee Benefit Plans Annual Report 2021-2022 On behalf of the Employee Benefit Plans Board of Trustees, we are pleased to present the first Employee Benefit Plans Annual Report for 2021-2022. The purpose of the Employee Benefit Plans Annual Report is to provide transparent communication to stakeholders. Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Employee Family Assistance Program, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope), Group Life Plan, Retiree Plan 2022-07-08 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Employees on Leave at One Position and Active at a Second Position This document clarifies the benefit plan rules regarding employees who are on a leave at one position and active at a second position. Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope) 2017-02-14 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Employer Obligation to Report Dental Coverage on Employee T4 Slips - Non-Payroll Employers Last year, the federal government established a new Canada Dental Benefit, a government-administered insurance program providing dental benefits for uninsured children under the age of 12. As a result, it is mandatory for employers to report dental coverage on T4 tax slips starting with the 2023 tax year. Bulletin Core Dental 2023-11-22 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Employer Obligation to Report Dental Coverage to Employee T4 Slips - Payroll Employers Last year, the federal government established a new Canada Dental Benefit, a government-administered insurance program providing dental benefits for uninsured children under the age of 12. As a result, it is mandatory for employers to report dental coverage on T4 tax slips starting with the 2023 tax year. Bulletin Core Dental, Enhanced Dental 2023-11-22 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Employer Partner Option Added to Toll Free Number 3sHealth Employee Benefits is adding a fourth option to our Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. Wednesday March 9, 2022, when you contact 3sHealth Employee Benefits using the toll free phone number 1.866.278.2301 as an employer please select option 4 to be directed to a Benefits Services Officer. Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Employee Family Assistance Program, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope), Retiree Plan 2022-03-08 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Enhancement to Extended Health Care and Dental Plan effective Jan 1 2019 Effective January 1, 2019 enhancements to the 3sHealth Extended Health Care and Enhanced Dental plan have been approved. Bulletin Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope) 2018-11-13 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Extension of Benefits During a Leave of Absence to 18 Months This bulletin is regarding the extension of benefits during a leave of absence to 18 months. Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope) 2017-11-07 Administrator 0
 Follow Up: Benefit Education Sessions for Employers Employee Benefit Plans On June 24, 2024, 3sHealth changed the system we use to administer benefits for your employees. To support employers with the new process changes, we have attached the training material presented. Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Employee Family Assistance Program, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope), Group Life Plan, Retiree Plan 2024-06-26 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Forms Address Update Address update discard old forms. Reminder of address change. Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Employee Family Assistance Program, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope), Group Life Plan, Retiree Plan 2024-09-25 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Group Life Continuation After Disability Claim When a plan member’s 3sHealth disability claim closes and they return to work, all their benefits including their basic group life insurance are reinstated at their pre-disability claim level of coverage. However, when a plan member’s disability claim closes, and they do not return to work, their basic group life insurance coverage may continue to remain in place for up to 12 or 18 months depending on the timing of the start of their leave and the closure of their disability claim. This bulletin is intended to provide direction on group life insurance coverage continuation when a plan member transitions from an approved disability claim to an unpaid leave of absence. Bulletin Group Life Plan 2024-07-12 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Group Life Premium Collection and Remittance Process

Attached is information about the premium collection and remittance process for employees who are on a leave of absence.

Bulletin Disability Income Plan, Group Life 2018-05-02 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Hearing Aid Increase Effective September 1, 2023 Effective September 1, 2023, the Employee Benefit Plans Board of Trustees approved an increase to the hearing aid coverage under the Extended Health Care Plan. Bulletin Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope) 2023-08-16 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Impact of Working Reduced Hours During the 119 Day Qualifying Period For Disability This benefits bulletin is regarding the impact of working reduced hours during the 119 day qualifying period for disability. Bulletin Disability Income Plan 2017-11-02 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Increase to Psychology and Social Work Maximum

Effective June 1, 2020, the Board of Trustees approved an increase to the psychology/social work combined benefits maximum under the Extended Health Care Plan. The coverage for psychology/social work will increase from a combined maximum of $1,000 per insured person.

Bulletin Disability Income Plan, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope) 2020-05-26 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin Integrated earnings reporting process improvement To streamline the integrated earnings submission process for employers and to increase 3sHealth’s internal efficiency, 3sHealth has introduced an improved method for submitting all integrated earnings. Bulletin Disability Income Plan 2022-08-12 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Layoff Policy Changes Attached is information about the layoff policy change to the benefit plans. Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope) 2018-05-22 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Leave of Absence Disability and Optional Group Life Continuation Form This benefits bulletin provides information around the updated wording to the Leave of Absence - Disability and Optional Group Life Continuation form. Bulletin Disability Income Plan 2020-01-06 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Leave of Absence QA Document We are pleased to share that 3sHealth Employee Benefits has updated the Leave of Absence Q&A reference document. The updated document now includes information on what happens to benefits if an employee does not return to work after their 18-month leave of absence. Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Group Life 2020-09-18 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Monthly Contribution and Premium Remittance Arrears Policy This benefits bulletin outlines the monthly contribution and premium remittance arrears policy for the Employee Benefit Plans. Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Group Life 2017-07-07 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Multi-Position Claim Setup Effective May 12 2023 3sHealth Employee Benefits determines disability benefits for employees who work in multiple positions with the same employer by using the regular hours worked in the positions during the 52 weeks before the employee's last reported day worked on the Employer's Initial Application form. Bulletin Disability Income Plan 2023-07-04 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - My Canada Life at Work You and your employees will soon notice a change when you log in to GroupNet for Plan Members. The GroupNet for Plan Members site will be rebranded as My Canada Life at Work. The change will happen on November 18, 2021. Bulletin Core Dental, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope) 2021-11-04 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - New Disability Application at a Glance Brochure

We are pleased to share with you the new disability application at a glance brochure. The new 6 page brochure will replace the 30 page application booklet that was given to employees to guide them through the disability application process.

Bulletin Disability Income Plan 2020-04-24 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - NEW! Disability Income Plan Application Form

This benefits bulletin presents the newly simplified Attending Physician’s Initial Statement Disability Income Plan Application Form.

Bulletin Disability Income Plan 2020-04-30 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - New Disability Income Plan Application Forms

This benefits bulletin highlight the new, simplified disability income plan application forms.

Form Disability Income Plan 2019-12-09 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - New Out-of-Country Travel Assistances Provider through Canada Life As of April 1, 2022, Global Excel Management Inc. will provide out-of-country travel assistance services, on behalf of Canada Life, replacing Assured Assistance Inc. No action is required by plan members as a result of this change. Services remain available to plan members 24/7 without disruption. For more information please see the attached benefit bulletin. Bulletin Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope) 2022-04-25 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - New policy vacation stat EDO pay during a period of approved disability This new policy clarifies our position when an employee who is on an approved 3sHealth disability claim and is paid vacation pay, statutory holiday pay and earned-time-off pay and when it will result in a reduction of the employee’s disability benefit payment and when it will not. Bulletin Disability Income Plan 2018-12-17 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - NEW procedure for claim closures when a plan member is cleared to return to work Benefits Bulletin - NEW procedure for claim closures when a plan member is cleared to return to work. Bulletin Disability Income Plan 2021-06-25 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - NEW Procedure For Claim Closures When A Plan Member Is Cleared To Return To Work 3sHealth Employee Benefits is introducing a change to the claim closure process. Effective immediately, employers will no longer be required to complete and submit the Claim Closure Form for bridge disability claims. This process will align with when a long-term disability (LTD) claim is closed. Bulletin Disability Income Plan 2023-03-20 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - OOS EHC and Enhanced Dental Plan Contribution Rate Increase Effective April 1, 2024 Following their annual review with the plan actuary, the Employee Benefit Plans Joint Board of Trustees approved an increase to the out-of-scope extended health care and enhanced dental plan contribution rate from $164.00 per FTE to $190.00 per FTE effective April 1, 2024. Bulletin Extended Health Care (out-of-scope) 2023-11-30 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Ordering Plan Commentary Booklets and Supplies Please find attached information about ordering plan commentary booklets and supplies. Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope), Retiree Plan 2018-03-06 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Out-of-Country Travel Coverage Due to the rise in Omicron cases, and the constantly changing travel protocols and restrictions, 3sHealth Employee Benefits is providing the following information on out-of-country travel and COVID-19. Bulletin Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope) 2022-01-03 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Out-of-Scope Extended Health Care and Enhanced Dental Plan Contribution Rate for 2022 The Employee Benefit Plans Board of Trustees approved maintaining the current contribution rate for the out-of-scope extended health care and enhanced dental plan through 2022. The current contribution rate is $103.00/FTE + 0.5% of straight time pay. Bulletin Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (out-of-scope) 2021-10-25 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Out-of-Scope Extended Health Care and Enhanced Dental Plan Contribution Rate Increase Effective April 1, 2025 Please see the enclosed bulletin regarding the out-of-scope extended heath care and enhanced dental plan contribution rate increase effective April 1, 2025. Bulletin Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (out-of-scope) 2024-11-06 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Procedure for Setting the Benefits Status When a HSAS Disability Application is Denied

When a HSAS employee’s disability application is denied, to ensure the benefits record is updated accurately, 3sHealth Employee Benefits has implemented a processes to support the new provisions in the HSAS CBA.

Bulletin Disability Income Plan 2021-02-12 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Process for submitting applications for disability income benefits Please find attached a revised Benefit Bulletin Process For Submitting Applications For Disability Income Benefits. This Benefit Bulletin replaces the one sent on September 3, 2020. Please destroy all copies of the prior bulletin and replace with this revised version. If you have questions about submitting the Employer Initial Application Form please email You may also contact a 3sHealth Benefit Services Officer by telephone at 1-866-278-2301 or call Kathryn Sandstra, Claims Services Manager at 306-347-5598. Bulletin Disability Income Plan 2020-10-02 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Process to Send Copies of Letters to Employers Beginning on December 1, 2018, 3sHealth Employee Benefits will place copies of employee letters on each employer’s DDS. The letters being placed on the DDS are copies of letters mailed to employees that do not require action from the employer. Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope), Retiree Plan 2018-11-27 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Process to Send Copies of Letters to Employers NPO Beginning on December 1, 2018, 3sHealth Employee Benefits will place copies of employee letters on each employer’s DDS. The letters being placed on the DDS are copies of letters mailed to employees that do not require action from the employer. Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope), Retiree Plan 2018-11-27 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - REMINDER - April 30th Claims Submission Deadline for EHC and Dental Claims The April 30th claims submission deadline is approaching quickly. Please remind your employees that all extended health care and dental expenses incurred in 2023 must be submitted to Canada Life before April 30th, 2024. Bulletin Core Dental, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope) 2024-04-02 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - REMINDER - Core Dental Plan Contribution Rate Increase Effective April 1, 2023 Reminder, effective April 1, 2023, the core dental contribution rate will increase from $68.75 per full-time equivalent (FTE) to $70.75 per FTE. Bulletin Core Dental 2023-03-17 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - REMINDER Core Dental Plan Contribution Rate Increase Effective April 1, 2024 Reminder, effective April 1, 2024, the core dental contribution rate will increase from $70.75 per full-time equivalent (FTE) to $77.75 per FTE. Bulletin Core Dental 2024-03-04 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - REMINDER OOS EHC and Enhanced Dental Plan Contribution Rate for 2024 Reminder, effective April 1, 2024 the out-of-scope extended health care and enhanced dental (OOS EHC & ED) plan contribution rate will increase from $164.00 per FTE to $190.00 per FTE. Bulletin Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (out-of-scope) 2024-03-04 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Retirement at a Glance Brochure This brochure provides information to employees thinking about retiring or have recently retired to guide them through the impacts to their benefits Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Group Life Plan 2023-10-12 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Speech Aid Coverage Now Eligible Effective June 1, 2024 Effective June 1, 2024, the EBP BOT approved the inclusion of Speech Aid coverage under the EHC Plan. Charges for Bliss boards and laryngeal speaking aids that are prescribed by a physician when no alternative method of communication is possible will be covered to a lifetime maximum per Insured Person of $1,000. Bulletin Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope) 2024-05-31 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Staffing Announcements in the 3sHealth Employee Benefits Department Employee Benefits department leadership team effective September 6, 2022. Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Employee Family Assistance Program, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope), Group Life Plan, Retiree Plan 2022-08-24 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Treatment funding requests for plan members on an approved disability clai 3sHealth Employee Benefits may approve treatment funding to support a plan member on an approved disability claim. This benefits bulletin outlines who can apply, how to apply, and guidelines for applying. Bulletin Disability Income Plan 2020-03-04 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Updated Benefits at a Glance Brochure

We are pleased to share with you the updated benefits at a glance brochure. As of June 1, 2020 this brochure will replace the previous version and will be included in the welcome package sent to employees as they become benefit eligible.

Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Group Life, Other, Retiree Plan 2020-05-26 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Update - Disability Income Plans Lump Sum Payouts This bulletin is to clarify that vacation pay, time-in-lieu pay, statutory holiday pay, earned and banked time lump sum payments are not used as an offset to disability income plan benefits regardless of when they were earned. Bulletin Disability Income Plan 2023-12-12 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - UPDATE Non-Payroll Orgs Employee Benefit Plans Invoicing In October, we shared with you that the health system was planning to roll out a new AIMS which 3sHealth would then be using to administer the benefits for your employees. The rollout of AIMS has now been paused. As a result, 3sHealth will not be to generate invoices for the benefit plans as planned for November remittances. Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Employee Family Assistance Program, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope), Group Life Plan, Retiree Plan 2022-11-07 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - UPDATE Payroll Orgs Employee Benefit Plans Invoicing In order to ensure scheduling and payroll continues to occur without disruption, the health system has made the decision to pause the rollout of the (AIMS). The impact of this pause is that 3sHealth will not be able to begin generating invoices for the benefit plans that you participate in as planned for the November remittances. Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Employee Family Assistance Program, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope), Group Life Plan, Retiree Plan 2022-11-07 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Vacation stat EDO pay during a period of approved disability Per the Benefit Reductions article of the 3sHealth Disability Income Plans, vacation pay, earned time off pay and stat pay will result in a direct reduction of the employee’s corresponding weekly or monthly Disability Income Plan benefit payment. Bulletin Disability Income Plan 2018-12-17 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Waiver of waiting period for out-of-scope employee policy Information on the policy for requesting a Waiver of Waiting Period for OOS Employee Policy. 2020-10-20 Administrator 0
 Benefits Bulletin - Who to Contact When 3sHealth Employee Benefits has created a quick “Who do I contact when?” poster so that plan members know exactly which organization to contact when depending on their inquiry. 3sHealth developed this at-a-glance poster based on employer and plan member feedback. Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Employee Family Assistance Program, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope), Group Life Plan, Retiree Plan 2023-05-25 Administrator 0
 Core Dental Monthly Remittance Report This form is used by employers to remit premium for Core Dental coverages for in-scope and out-of-scope employees. Please note there are two versions of this remittance form in the above link. The first form references the new rates effective April 1, 2021. The second form is to be used for any outstanding remittances due from March 2021 or previous. Remittance Form Core Dental 2021-03-02 Administrator 0
 Core Dental Plan Commentary The Core Dental Commentary provides plan eligibility rules, information regarding covered items and how to submit claims. Commentary Core Dental 2021-11-08 Administrator,Employee 0
 Core Dental Survivor Benefits Commentary 3sHealth Core Dental Plan Survivor Benefits Commentary. Commentary Core Dental 2021-11-08 Administrator,Employee 0
 CUPE Long-term Disability Plan Commentary This Commentary provides members who are affiliated with the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) with information related to the 3sHealth CUPE Disability Income Plan. Commentary Disability Income Plan 2022-10-28 Administrator,Employee 0
 Disability Income Plan Application at a Glance This brochure is designed to provide detailed information to help you complete an initial application for Disability Income Plan benefits. Form Disability Income Plan 2022-11-08 Employee 0
 Attending Physician's Initial Statement Form The Initial Application Attending Physicians Form is designed for physicians so that they can provide 3sHealth with information regarding an employee's medical condition.  This is required when reviewing a claim. Employees must complete the section titled "Patient Authorization" which authorizes the physician and medical practitioners to release health information to 3sHealth. Form Disability Income Plan 2022-11-22 Administrator,Employee 0
 Employee's Initial Application Form This is the Initial Application Form members can use to apply for Disability Income Plan benefits. Form Disability Income Plan 2022-11-22 Employee 0
 Disability Income Plan Employer's Initial Application Form The 3sHealth Disability Income Plan Employer’s Initial Application form must be completed by the employer when one of their employees is applying to 3sHealth for Disability Income Plan and/or Waiver of Premium benefits. The information provided on this form allows 3sHealth to properly determine an employee’s Plan membership status, date last worked, date last paid and earnings. Form Disability Income Plan 2023-06-05 Administrator 0
 Disability Income Plan Monthly Contribution Report - rates effective July 30, 2023 Disability Income Plan Monthly Contribution Report form for rates effective July 30, 2023, for in-scope and out-of-scope employees that are enrolled in the 3sHealth disability plans. Remittance Form Disability Income Plan 2023-07-24 Administrator 0
 Disability Income Plan Opting Out Information The Disability Income Plan Opting Out Pamphlet/Information Sheet can be provided to employees who are eligible to opt-out of the CUPE, SEIU-West, SUN or General Disability Income Plans. The Pamphlet/Information Sheet provides details that can assist the employee in making their decision on whether to opt-out or not. Other Disability Income Plan 2013-01-03 Administrator,Employee 0
 Disability Income Plan Opting Out of Disability Income Plan Form The 3sHealth Disability Income Plan Opting Out form can be used by CUPE, SEIU-West, SUN and General members who have retired and were rehired and wish to take advantage of the one-time opportunity to relinquish claims to coverage and benefits under the 3sHealth Disability Income Plan. Other plan provisions may apply. Form Disability Income Plan 2022-03-02 Administrator,Employee 0
 Disability Income Plan Payroll Banking Data Information Form This form must be completed and provided as part of the application for disability benefits so that, if approved, benefit payments can be directly deposited to the claimant’s account. Form Disability Income Plan 2018-11-28 Employee 0
 Disability Income Plan Your Right to a Review Pamphlet The 3sHealth Disability Income Plan Your Right to Review Pamphlet provides members with information regarding the appeal process for terminated or denied disability claims. Other Disability Income Plan 2012-08-09 Administrator,Employee 0
 Directive - 2013 Employee Option to Opt-Out of Disability Income Plan Following Retirement/Rehire Directive - Employee option to opt out of Disability Income Plan following retirement/rehire. Directive Disability Income Plan 2013-01-04 Administrator 0
 Directive - Beneficiary Designations for Co-Employed Employees Directive regarding beneficiary designations for co-employed employees. Directive Group Life 2016-07-13 Administrator 0
 Directive - Benefit Changes at Age 65 Directive regarding letter templates employers can use to advise employees that their 3sHealth benefit plan coverage will reduce at age 65. Directive Group Life 2016-11-16 Administrator 0
 Directive - Benefits at time of Grievance or Severance Extension of benefits scenarios at time of termination, severance or grievance. Directive Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Group Life 2014-06-11 Administrator 0
 Directive - Benefits Upon Return to Work Directive on a new process regarding return to work. Directive Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Group Life, Other 2016-01-11 Administrator 0
 Directive - Continuing Group Life Disability Income Plan coverage while on approved Leave of Absence - June 2013 Directive clarifying Group Life and Disability Income Plan coverage while on approved leave of absence. Directive Disability Income Plan, Group Life 2013-06-07 Administrator 0
 Directive - Diabetic Supplies Effective January 1, 2009 Directive-Diabetic Supplies Effective January 1, 2009 Directive Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope) 2009-03-05 Administrator 0
 Directive - Disability Income Plan Change to Leave of Absence Provision Directive - DIP Change to LOA Provision Directive Disability Income Plan 2005-05-19 Administrator 0
 Directive - Employee Opt Out Option Disability Income Plan Follow up communication on Employee option to elect to opt-out of Disability Income Plan. Directive Disability Income Plan 2013-02-28 Administrator 0
 Directive - Group Life Continuation After Disability Income Plan Termination or Waiver of Premium Denied Directive regarding a change to the Group Life Plan. Directive Disability Income Plan, Group Life 2014-04-03 Administrator 0
 Directive - Retired Plan Member Life Insurance Benefit Increase Directive regarding an increase to the Retired Plan Member Benefit, from $1,500 to $5,000 effective January 1, 2015. Directive Group Life 2016-06-15 Administrator 0
 Extended Health Care Plans and Prescription Drugs Frequently Asked Questions Information regarding the types of prescription drugs covered and the procedure for submitting claims.

Other Other 2015-08-31 Administrator,Employee 0
 Follow Up: Benefit Education Sessions for Employers (Non-Payroll) Employee Benefit Plans On June 24, 2024, 3sHealth changed the system we use to administer benefits for your employees. To support employers with the new process changes, we have attached the training material presented. Bulletin Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Employee Family Assistance Program, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope), Group Life Plan, Retiree Plan 2024-06-25 Administrator 0
 General Long-term Disability Plan Commentary This Commentary provides employees affiliated with the General Plan with information related to the 3sHealth General Disability Income Plan. Commentary Disability Income Plan 2022-10-28 Administrator,Employee 0
 GMS Retiree Benefits Plan Booklet The purpose of this booklet is to summarize the main provisions of the Group Medical Services (GMS) master group policy for Retirees of the 3sHealth Dental and Health Plans. Commentary Retiree Plan 2021-06-24 Employee 0
 GMS Retiree Benefits Plan Brochure The purpose of the Group Medical Services (GMS) Retiree Benefits Program Brochure is to provide Retirees of the 3sHealth Dental and Health policies with general information on the GMS Retiree Plan.


Form Retiree Plan 2023-06-21 Administrator,Employee 0
 Group Life Beneficiary Designation Form The Beneficiary Designation Form allows members to update their Beneficiary Designation for the 3sHealth Group Life Plan. Form 2022-11-25 Administrator,Employee 0
 Group Life Conversion Member Fact Sheet The Canada Life Conversion Fact Sheet provides employees with information regarding converting their existing Group Life insurance. Form Group Life 2016-12-06 Administrator,Employee 0
 Group Life Designating a Beneficiary Brochure Commonly asked questions regarding beneficiary designations in your Group Life Plan. Form 2016-07-14 Administrator,Employee 0
 Group Life Insurance Plan Commentary 3sHealth Group Life Plan Commentary Commentary 2021-02-22 Administrator,Employee 0
 Group Life Options Upon Termination or Retirement Frequently Asked Questions Questions and answers regarding Group Life insurance options upon termination or retirement. Other 2022-09-20 Administrator,Employee 0
 GroupLife Waiver basic information form for non-3sHealth plans

The Group Life Waiver Basic Information Form for non-3sHealth LTD Plans form is used by employers submitting application for Group Life Waiver for their plan members.

Form Disability Income Plan 2019-04-02 Administrator,Employee 0
 In-Scope Extended Health Care and Enhanced Dental Plan Commentary Commentary Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope) 2021-11-08 Administrator,Employee 0
 In-Scope Extended Health Care and Enhanced Dental Plan Survivor Benefits Commentary 3sHealth In-Scope Extended Health Care and Enhanced Dental Plan Survivor Benefits Commentary. Commentary Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope) 2021-11-08 Administrator,Employee 0
 In-Scope Extended Health Care and Enhanced Dental Plan Monthly Remittance Report This form is used by employers to remit premium for In-Scope Extended Health Care and Enhanced Dental Plan coverages. Remittance Form Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope) 2016-10-28 Administrator 0
 Leave of Absence Form Disability Income Plan and Optional Group Life Coverage The 3sHealth Leave of Absence form is designed for members who are taking a leave of absence of greater than 30 days. It allows members to elect whether or not they will continue their Disability Income Plan and/or Group Life coverage while on an approved leave of absence (subject to the applicable plans). Form Disability Income Plan 2019-12-20 Administrator 0
 Leave of Absence Frequently Asked Questions Questions and answers regarding leaves of absences. Other Disability Income Plan, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Other 2012-11-27 Employee 0
 Maximum Reimbursement Schedule Core Dental Plan The Core Dental Maximum Reimbursement Schedule lists all the codes and the maximum fee amount payable for each eligible procedures. Schedule Core Dental 2022-01-18 Administrator,Employee 0
 Maximum Reimbursement Schedule Enhanced Dental Plan The Enhanced Dental Maximum Reimbursement Schedule lists all the codes and the maximum fee amount payable for each eligible procedures. Schedule Enhanced Dental 2022-03-17 Administrator,Employee 0
 NPO Employee Changing Information Form The Employee Changing Information Form is used by employees of non-payroll organizations who need to make changes to their spouse, dependents, name, group life options and beneficiary designations. Form Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope) 2018-09-05 Administrator,Employee 0
 NPO Employer Changing Information Form The NPO Employer changing information form is used by employers of non-payroll organizations who need to makes changes to their employees employment status (example; date of hire, termination, employer contact information). Administrative Form Other 2017-11-21 Administrator 0
 NPO Leave of Absence Benefit Update Form

A form used by non-payroll employers for employees who are going on a leave of absence.

Form Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope) 2016-10-07 Administrator 0
 NPO New Hire Notification Form Enrolment form for employees of non-payroll organizations. Form Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope) 2018-10-04 Administrator 0
 Out-of-Scope Flexible Spending Plan Commentary 2021 3sHealth Out-of-Scope Flexible Spending Plan Commentary January 2021 Commentary Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope) 2020-12-31 Employee 0
 OOS Flex Spend Reallocation 2024-11-19 0
 Out-of-Scope Lifestyles Spending Account Eligible and Ineligible Expenses The Lifestyles Spending Account Eligible and Ineligible Expenses Pamphlet lists some examples of the types of expenses under the LSA Plan that are eligible or ineligible. The eligible and ineligible expenses listed are examples only. All claims will be adjudicated and 3sHealth reserves the right to determine the eligibility of any claims submitted. Other Flexible Spending Plan (out-of-scope) 2018-02-09 Employee 0
 Optional Non-Smoker Rate Group Life Insurance Premium Remittance Form This form is used by employers to remit premium for Optional Group Life Insurance non-smoker coverage. Remittance Form 2020-07-07 Administrator 0
 Optional Smoker Rate Group Life Insurance Premium Remittance Form This form is used by employers to remit premium for Optional Group Life Insurance smoker coverage. Remittance Form 2020-07-07 Administrator 0
 Out-of-Scope Extended Health Care and Enhanced Dental Plan Commentary The Out-of-Scope Extended Health Care and Enhanced Dental Plan Commentary provides plan eligibility rules, information regarding covered items and how to submit claims. Commentary Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (out-of-scope) 2021-11-08 Administrator,Employee 0
 Out-of-Scope Extended Health Care and Enhanced Dental Plan Survivor Benefits Commentary 3sHealth Out-of-Scope Extended Health Care and Enhanced Dental Plan Survivor Benefits Commentary. Commentary Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (out-of-scope) 2021-11-08 Administrator,Employee 0
 Premium rates for group life insurance Premium rates for group life insurance. Overview 2021-11-08 Administrator 0
 Question and Answer: Group Life Waiver of Premium Benefit for non-3sHealth long-term disability claimants This document provides plan members with information regarding the Group Life Waiver process. Other Disability Income Plan 2019-03-19 Administrator,Employee 0
 Retirement at a Glance As you prepare for your retirement, you may have questions about your benefits. This brochure provides details on what benefits may be available to you. Form Retiree Plan 2023-10-01 Employee 0
 SEIU-West Long-term Disability Plan Commentary This Commentary provides members who are affiliated with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU-West) with information related to the 3sHealth SEIU-West Disability Income Plan. Commentary Disability Income Plan 2022-10-28 Administrator,Employee 0
 SUN Long-term Disability Plan Commentary This Commentary provides members who are affiliated with the Saskatchewan Union of Nurses (SUN) with information related to the 3sHealth SUN Disability Income Plan. Commentary Disability Income Plan 2022-10-28 Administrator,Employee 0
 TELUS Health EFAP Brochure This brochure provides a general overview of the TELUS Health EFAP. Overview Employee Family Assistance Program 2024-01-18 Employee 0
 TELUS Health EFAP Counselling Services From time to time, we all need support to deal with an issue or challenge. Access help through your EFAP. Overview Employee Family Assistance Program 2024-01-18 Employee 0
 TELUS Health EFAP Family Support Your EFAP provides support with mild to moderate behavioral issues or family communication. Overview Employee Family Assistance Program 2024-01-18 Employee 0
 TELUS Health EFAP FAQ Get answers to common questions about your TELUS Health EFAP. Overview Employee Family Assistance Program 2024-01-18 Employee 0
 TELUS Health EFAP Onsite Counselling The Onsite Counselling solution provides employees with in-person, short-term counselling in the convenience of their workplace. Overview Employee Family Assistance Program 2024-01-18 Employee 0
 TELUS Health EFAP Retirement Planning Program Prepare for your retirement with confidence with helpful advice and resources through your EFAP. Overview Employee Family Assistance Program 2024-01-18 Employee 0
 TELUS Health EFAP Support for People Leaders 24/7 access to confidential advice and guidance to help managers, supervisors, and people leaders deal with sensitive employee and workplace situations. Overview Employee Family Assistance Program 2024-01-18 Employee 0
 Travel Assist Booklet TravelAssist provides support worldwide to travellers in emergency medical situations and obtains Canada Life’s approval for covered medical expenses. Other Core Dental, Disability Income Plan, Enhanced Dental, Extended Health Care (in-scope), Extended Health Care (out-of-scope), Other 2016-02-01 Administrator,Employee 0
Name Annotation Plan Type Plan Document Type Label Plan Category Plan Category Label Release date Audience Weighting

Related Links

  • The Employee Benefit Plans Promise
    Plan members rely on their benefit plans throughout the year to maintain their health and during some of the most challenging times of their lives, including disability and the loss of a loved one. The following is our promise to you, the beneficiary of the benefit plan trusts.